
Women have gone to the moon, have become CXOs of their companies, and also have sent a satellite to the moon. They are working hard to earn money and are conditioned with the value of being smart savers from early on in their lives, but that journey often stops there. They usually rely on male members of the family or circle to help them navigate investment decisions.

Women may think investing may be complicated, they need to be a math expert or need a lot of money to start investing. But, these are all myths! Investing is simple, it’s the right behavior towards money and you can start small.

And, I wish women knew that they are born “money managers”. When armed with the right attributes of being risk-aware, disciplined, making informed decisions, and staying calm under stress, women can go from managing home budgets & saving money to becoming smart investors and creating wealth.

Here are some of the key points that women can follow to build their financial independence:

  1. Understand your financial patterns: The journey of becoming financially fit and independent starts with becoming aware of income and expenses. You can use a journal or an online spreadsheet to write it down and create a budget, aim at first saving at least 20% of your income and then planning your spending.
  2. Learn about Money Management: Knowledge is power, and it’s important to educate yourself about saving, investing, and how to create wealth. Read books, attend workshops, make use of online resources, and be a part of communities like LXME where you can discuss money without the fear of judgment. Becoming financially literate will make you feel more confident in making informed decisions.
  3. Make investing a habit over saving: Prioritise investing your money as savings alone are not enough to fulfill your goals. Wondering why? Because of inflation, which reduces the purchasing power of your money over time. Hence, diversifying your money by investing across different asset classes like Equity, Debt, and Gold as per your goals, time horizon, and risk appetite becomes crucial.
  4. Build an emergency fund: An emergency fund can help one stay afloat in times of a financial crisis or any sudden expenses. It should be at least 6 months of your expenses and be easily available when required. It can be created with a high-yielding savings account or with liquid and arbitrage funds that aim at better returns.
  5. Start building your first crore: Dream big and start working towards building your first one crore, you’ll be starting a journey towards building your financial independence, enabling you with the ability to fulfill your goals without financial constraints. Break down this goal into small actionable steps like investing every month via SIP in Mutual Funds. And remember, Don’t wait for the right time to start investing, start NOW. Your future self will thank you!
  6. Plan for your Retirement Fund: Retirement at some point is almost inevitable! Your expenses will continue but income will stop, so you’ll need a good financial cushion to sustain you through your dream retirement! Start early, and leverage the power of compounding.
  7. Prioritize Life and Health Insurance: According to LXME’s Women and Money Power Report 2022, 58% of women have no health or life insurance in their name. Uncertainties don’t knock at the door, they are sudden and rather disruptive- emotionally and financially! Always ensure you and your family are protected with adequate insurance.

Dream big, own your goals, and make them happen! Remember, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step “, a quote by the Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu. So, whether it’s learning, saving a little bit more, or starting to invest, every move counts! (Priti Rathi Gupta is Founder of LXME, a financial platform for women. Views are own)


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